ready, set, ...go?

ready, set, ...go?

u may be wondering... ready for what? go where? well, as i was going for a stroll around my neighborhood, i realized that the stagnant feeling that's been gnawing at me hasn't fully been from not doing new things, it's from not doing new things in a place i'm 100% familiar with. i say hi to the regulars, i watch the ducks, i feel the sun on my face on the same parts of the path, and i don't know, it just hit me. i realized i can move on from this. i'm ready to move on from this. if u know me, u know i get fully sentimentally attached to any and everything, so the idea of moving away from my hometown has always been something i knew i wanted to do but never something i could actually fathom doing. well today, i'm happy to report that it's finally time for me to branch out. another realization i had today is that even though i'm gearing up to skedaddle, i've always taken comfort in knowing i can come back home whenever i want/need to. however, home has always always always looked like this. so adding in the fact that my parents have also been wanting to move for as long as i can remember rlly throws me for a loop here, because on top of me going somewhere new, my parents might be somewhere new too. the thought of not coming back to this house is scary, but also kind of rejuvenating in a sense. starting fresh doesn't mean i can never go back home, it just means my home might be in a new place! as i'm writing this, i'm brainstorming where i would like to visit this year to see where i want to spend the next few years of my life (or even use it as my home base as i galavant across the globe). i'll be adding to my plan with me tab mighty soon as these ideas start taking shape, but if u have any recommendations or places that u loved when u visited, leave a comment so i can check it out!

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