bye co, hello ___
record scratch... freeze frame! u may be wondering where i've been. weeelll i went on an impromptu trip (or two) to new york for a family emergency, but from here on out i promise all my trips will be blogged about 🫡
i'm sure u all know that i graduated in december, but i don't know if i told u about my apartment sitch. basically, i was banking on someone taking over the second half of my lease as soon as i was done w school so that i could just move home in december and be done. unfort, that is not how it worked out. i came home, left my stuff in rado, and booked a flight in feb to visit and ship my stuff home. now, insert family emergency. rado flights were canceled, and i was over the back and forth. luckily, on our flight home from new york, we had a layover in denver, so i decided to just stay in denver that sunday night, get all my shit shipped out monday, and then fly home monday night. it was a looong 24 hours on top of the longest week of my life, but we got it done (thanks aunt judy!). finally feeling settled knowing all my stuff would be in one place, i also decided to drop my keys off at the office. i had been counting on staying there when i visited, but quickly realized as i stood in my empty room that it was... well... empty. seeing no point in bringing blankets or towels to visit, there was literally no reason to hold onto the keys. especially if by some miracle someone decided they wanted my apartment, i didn't want to have to fly back to hand the keys off (or risk mailing them). it was a super last minute decision, and one that i agonized over for the next 3 days. however, as i've been shown time and time again, the universe was on my side. i got a message wednesday morning from an interested party, and they had their application sent in and approved by thursday. in the wise words of my mom, "one door closes, another one opens. you just had to close the door". so with that out of the way, it's been a super reflective couple of days for me. any ideas of what's coming next??