the big reveal!
lol ik there is literally so much going on in that pic but it's ur first and final hint! in said pic (lookin good, amirite?), i was in rehab doing my OT session for the day where my occupational therapist had me make brownies bc i told her my favorite hobby was baking. it was unbelievably exhausting, and the combo of standing on my own 2 feet without someone holding onto me AND using a freaking oven again was absolutely petrifying. those brownies were bombbbb tho, 10/10 would do again.
anywho, the gist of this is to share that as much as i enjoyed being an OT patient (which i did, thoroughly).....
i think i'm going to enjoy being an OT even more!!
that's right! i want to be an occupational therapist! anyone shocked?? i've been buckling down to get my application ready to send in this fall. i have five (5) 8-week prereq courses starting next month. i have three (3) letters of recc to aquire. i have thirty (30) hours of shadowing to do. and i couldn't be more excited. i'm not going to share my dream school yet bc i don't want to jinx anything, but just know it's very me, like the most on-brand ever. i'll lyk how my classes are going once they start, but i'm gonna enjoy my last 2 weeks of peace before taking on anatomy & physiology 1 & 2 with labs, kinesiology and applied biomechanics, abnormal psychology, and human growth and development. it's gonna be a crazy couple of months until my app is in, but it'll be so worth it.