reality check :(

reality check :(

u should've seen me 5 months ago. i couldn't WAIT to graduate and be in the real world and start a job and do what i want. however, it only took approximately 6.3 days of being post-grad before i realized that i pretty much had been living the dream. i was already on my own schedule (thank u online classes), my parents had been paying my rent (u guys are the goats), and i had an awesome lil on campus job that i scheduled my days around. it was perfect. and i think i knew it then but the idea of being fully done just sounded so great. and now here i am, fully done. i'm still on my own schedule, except now i'm back at home and have nothing to schedule my day around unless i get up and do it (which is muuuch harder than it sounds). i have no pressing commitments or assignments to wait until the last minute to do or late night campus walks and i don't know what to do with myself most of the time. moving out of my college apartment was so depressing but then having to unpack all my boxes and put all of my crap away was even worse. the grad blues hit hard and fast and now that they're gone i'm just... bored. don't get me wrong, i love being home and i'm trying to settle into a new routine here but it's weird to not be able to walk to ur friends apartment and hang out or go to the food court on campus or even just people watch from the plaza. it's like being on winter break but the excitement wore off 3 days in and u have nothing to go back to. i'm hoping this blog picks up so i can focus my time and energy on something actually productive, but until then i'll just keep trucking!

tldr; i always thought life would be so much more exciting after graduating college but life in the fast lane is currently feeling a whole lot like being stuck behind an 18 wheeler on a one way road.

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